Tuesday, 22 February 2011

But what if....

... it was beyond or cognitive capacity?

We believe in science, we believe in a rational explanation when confronted by a problem. But perhaps there really is a whole branch of science that we have absolutely no capacity to understand.

I run the risk of sounding like a hippy here, but I'll run that risk for the sake of exploration of thought. I am not alone in thinking that there may be something that affects our lives in many ways, but we have no knowledge or capacity to understand.

I'll be brief, but imagine trying to explain a simple crystal radio set to someone in 1AD? Even the most intelligent of people of the day would not be able to understand, regardless of how well we explained it. But, these days, it's not unreasonable to assume that the average person, with a few text books and a good teacher could understand the principle of a crystal radio set. So we have become more intelligent.

Now let's skip forward a couple of millennia.

Could we assume that the average person in a few thousand years time could understand some scientific advances, but we could have no possible comprehension of today. So, if that's a possibility, perhaps there is lots more to investigate, but because we "feel" intelligent and advanced, we immediately dismiss them as fantasy. Would the same be said for our crystal radio set in 1AD? Wpould people then have dismissed it as pure fantasy?

The point of this post is, that we've been seeing some serious global fluctuations recently. Floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, cyclones and hurricanes, food shortages... and don;t start me on the economy!

So is this a sign? Could it be possible that we are being sent warnings by a branch of science that we have no comprehension of? Are the religious texts correct, but we just cannot understand them?

I understand you will be thinking... all those things have been happening for thousands of years, it's because we're seeing them on a 24/7 news channel. I get that, and I don't dismiss it... but what if?

Only time will tell.

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