Monday, 26 July 2010

Clash of the Titans.


Whether you subscribe to conspiracy theories or not, it has to be said that the current financial crisis is certainly gearing up to be a Clash of the Titans. Could it be possible that all this was predicted by those in power in Europe many years ago, and so they decided to create a Super State to be in contention?

Peak oil, climate change, water and food shortages aside, the Bilderberg group met for the first time in 1954, and a European State was conceived. Ever since then it has slowly been crafted and we have today a group of Nations acting as one.

Is it possible that all those years ago, those that conceived the Euro Zone could predict that the USA and China were destined to be the world's financial super-powers, and that Europe needed to go forward as one in order to compete?

I believe it was, and we now see a Clash of the Titans as never before. If one takes a look at each crisis that occurs, it's like a world war. Each State, Europe, China and the US, is playing politics and driving the others into potential depression almost on a weekly basis. The Chinese with their pontifications of not letting the Yuan show it's true value, the Europeans with "Stress tests", and of course the US with the Federal Reserve constantly printing money and asserting it's muscle around the globe for resources. None of these are exclusive to any one State, in fact, they are all doing it in one way or another, but it has to be said, week by week, we get new data which put's one ahead of the other.

Of course, peak oil, water, food, climate, is a great leveller.

Those that have been left behind and having to play catch-up are catching up fast. The other BRIC countries especially, are speeding up the inside with the velocity of a bullet, determined not to be left behind thanks to the influence of the Chinese in their ranks. And of course, Russia supplies gas, so they have, in my opinion, the ultimate upper hand. Regardless of who uses the energy, the ripple effect means that even the US who don't get gas from Russia are dependent on their gas.

So we see a constant sprint race between these countries, and it's gearing up to be an economic war. Not a single shell will be fired but there will be one winner. And like corporations, they amalgamate in order to be stronger, so the smaller countries are siding up to those that they believe will be the winner in the end.

The losers of course are the people, no one can deny that without the worker termites keeping the mound running, the whole thing collapses. Only time will tell when that will be, but rest assured, it IS coming.


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